Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Craft

My Craft is Bracelet Weaving.
If you would like to try weaving a bracelet here's what you'll need.
  • Embroidery Floss (any colors you'd like, as many as you'd like. However, the more colors you choose, the larger your bracelet will be and the longer it will take. BE WARNED!) You can buy this at A.C. Moore for about $0.36 each.
  • Scissors
  • Pencil and Tape (You can use a clipboard if you want, but I like the pencil method, so that's what I'll be teaching you.)
Okay, here's how you make a bracelet:

1) Choose however many colors you want to work with and get about 4 feet of each thread. (Yes, it seems like a lot, but you always want more, than too little, believe me.

2) Fold the thread in half so that each thread has the same end points. This will double your number of threads. Now is a good time to make sure you want to follow through with the number of strings you'll be working with. I'd reccommend 3 strings folded in half for your first bracelet, you can increase the number of strings after you learn how to make one.

3) Tie your string around a pencil as close to half way as possible so that the loose ends are still free to work with. This will cause a ring to be formed around the pencil.

4) Secure the pencil to a table or other immovable surface using tape. You can also use a clipboard if you'd like.

5) Now decide on your pattern. This includes not only the order of colors, but also the thickness. If you have 2 strands of black and 2 strands of white, do you want your bracelet to be: 1 strand white, 1 strand black, 1 strand white, 1 strand black repeating; 2 strands black, 2 strands white repeating; 1 strand white, 2 strands black, 1 strand white; etc.

6) Set your bracelet out so that the strands are in the order that you want your bracelet from left to right. Don't worry too much about whether or not the knot lets them lay flat. That'll fix itself later on. It should look something like this:

7) Starting with the farthest string from the left, knot it around the next string on the left twice. In other words, if you number your strings from left to right, knot string number 1 around number 2 twice. Then, knot string 1 around string 3 twice. Then around string 4, etc. Eventually, your first string will be all the way on the right. It will look something like this:

After you finish with your first string, your bracelet should look something like the picture below. Notice that the purple/blue thread that was once at the left side fo the strings is now on the right side.
Note again how the purple/blue threads are now on the right, where they were once on the left. This is the progression your bracelet will take.

*Note: When first starting a bracelet, it will probably look like a convoluted clump of randomness; however, don't get discouraged. As you get further, you'll see the bracelet take shape.

8) Now that your first string is all the way to the right, take the next string. (Your previous string #2) and repeat step 8 over and over again and you will see your bracelet take shape before your eyes.

9) Continue with the knotting until your bracelet is as long as you need it to be. Afterward, you can knot the end of the strings with the loop that is around the pencil to make a full bracelet.

Have fun and enjoy the products of your creativity!


  1. Well thanks for teaching me how to make a friendship bracelet. But I am lazy, and don't want to make one myself, will you make one for me. As i am a man of great wealth, I will offer you TWO WHOLE DOLLARS for your services.

  2. Nicely taught and very detailed. I do agree with Hunter however and probably won't ever do this myself considering I'm pretty lazy, but I think we all know about that.
